Weighted Blankets for Children and Adults: How to Choose the Right One

Weighted Blankets for Children and Adults: How to Choose the Right One

Weighted blankets are blankets with a weight that is 10% of the total weight of the individual using it. They are also referred to as pressure blankets or gravity blankets. Children’s weighted blankets offer therapeutic benefits for kids with autism, insomnia, and ADHD. They also help adults with anxiety and sleep difficulties. Ordinary blankets may not help children and adults with various disorders to have a better sleep.
Therapists recommend the use of weighted blankets to help soothe individuals with such conditions. Here are a few factors to consider when buying gravity blankets:

1. Choose the appropriate filling material
Different filling materials are put in the weighted blankets to increase their overall weight. Each filling material has its benefits and limitations. You can choose plastic pellets that resemble small pebbles made from polypropylene material. These are the most popular fillings for weighted blankets. Plastic pellets are long-lasting and can be washed. The other type of fillings are micro glass beads that resemble tiny sand grains and are smaller than plastic pellets. Since they are tiny, they feel softer and smoother on the body than the plastic pellets. Besides, glass beads are more durable than plastic pellets. Based on these features, you should compare each filling material’s benefits and limitations to select the one that meets your needs.

2. Buy a weighted blanket that weighs 10% of your weight
The idea behind the weighted blankets’ design is to exert sufficient pressure on a child or an adult’s body. The pressure helps to calm down the nervous system. It is recommended to pick a gravity blanket that weighs 10% of your total weight. For instance, an individual who weighs 150 pounds would require a weighted 15 pound blanket. You can also get gravity blankets weighing as little as 5 pounds for children with 50 pounds.

3. Buy for height
Your height or that of your child is a factor to consider when selecting the best gravity blanket. Pick a blanket that can completely cover your body or that of your child up to the feet. Taller-than-normal people might need to double-check the weighted blanket’s size against their heights to select the suitable one.

4. Consider the size of your bed
When selecting the weighted blanket to buy, ensure you consider the bed size. Avoid purchasing an oversize blanket that may hang down on the bed’s sides. Additionally, don’t select a pressure blanket that is too small and that can’t fully cover your body or that of your child. If necessary, you can take your bed’s exact measurements to guide you when deciding the weighted blanket to buy.

Choosing the best gravity blanket can be challenging at times. However, the tips in this post can help you pick the best weighted blanket for you or your children. Ensure you pick a blanket that’s 10% of your total weight. Besides, consider your height, the bed size, and the filler material. In the end, using these tips, you can be sure to get a suitable blanket for you and your children.