Dos and Don’ts for Paleo Diet

Dos and Don’ts for Paleo Diet

Paleo diet is quite a rage among the fitness conscious people in the country today. It is a contemporary diet that requires eating foods that are presumed to be available to humans during the Paleolithic age. The food that was available in that era was simple and unprocessed. So, many diabetic patients are seen to follow this diet because of the health benefits it has to offer.

Paleo diet helps in lowering blood pressure, stabilizing blood sugar levels, and reducing cholesterol. It has also been observed in some studies that diabetic patients who follow a paleo diet have better health outcomes. The tips for following a paleo diet by diabetic patients should be taken seriously because a little change in the diet might adversely affect their body. You will be also glad to know that a paleo diet is effective in lowering BMI and A1C levels in patients who are suffering from Type 2 diabetes.

Given below are a few things you should know in case you follow a paleo diet and are a diabetic patient-

Cutting down on a few food items
Don’t eat processed foods like refined sugars, grains, or dairy products because they will increase sugar levels in your body. Reduce your intake of products made with grains like bread, tortillas, muffins, and croissants. If you shift your focus from eating grains to vegetables, fruits, and nuts, then you can get the required nutrients.

Paleo diet involves consumption of fewer carbohydrates
If you are suffering from diabetes, then you should lower your intake of carbohydrates and consume foods that have a low glycemic index. This can help in managing the blood sugar levels in your body. You should also eat enough vegetables that are rich in calcium, like spinach, broccoli, and kale.

Avoid processed food items if you wish to start a paleo diet
If you are planning to start and follow a paleo diet, then you should go through the tips for following the diet so that you can keep your diabetes in check and prepare your mind beforehand. You should reduce the amount of processed food and items that contain sugar like soda, cakes, donuts, and chips.

Dairy items are not recommended in this diet
Dairy items like cheese and milk are also not paleo-friendly items, so they should be avoided when you are suffering from diabetes. Since the paleo diet involves opting out dairy products and grains, you should consume enough fiber and calcium by eating lots of nuts, seeds, high-fiber vegetables, and berries.

Fruits are not always a good choice in this diet for diabetic patients
Apples and bananas are not a good choice because they have high sugar content. One of the tips for following a paleo diet in case of diabetes is that you have to avoid the fruits that have high sugar content like mangoes, grapes, bananas, and pears.

One of the best tips for following a paleo diet in case of diabetes is that you should keep your meals simple and light. Diabetes patients will need to keep a check on their carbohydrate count. You should pay close attention to your blood glucose trends and consult your doctor before starting the diet. He can make some changes in your medications or tailor the perfect diet for you as well.