Keto Diet Tips During Pregnancy

Keto Diet Tips During Pregnancy

Keto diet is often termed as a magical diet and is a healthy way of living and maintaining your body. The Keto diet is a high fat and low-carb diet that has many health benefits. The diet calls for reducing your carbohydrates intake and replacing it with healthy fats. When you do this, your body becomes efficient at burning fat for energy. This diet also causes a reduction in blood sugar levels as well as insulin levels in your body. It has been observed that many pregnant women also follow the Keto diet, usually to maintain the right weight, as it is easy to gain more weight than necessary during pregnancy. However, if you are pregnant and wish to follow this special diet, you should be thoroughly aware of the dos and don’ts of the Keto diet.

Keto diet helps to prevent gestational diabetes during pregnancy
One of the most amazing things about following the Keto diet during pregnancy is that it helps pregnant women to control gestational diabetes and keeps them off insulin. The key to a healthy pregnancy is to have a normal blood sugar level. And the Keto diet helps to bring your blood sugar back to the normal range. Once you start following this diet during pregnancy, just be aware of the dos and don’ts of the Keto diet so that you can have a healthy pregnancy.

Do consider the side-effects of this diet during pregnancy
When it comes to the dos and don’ts of the Keto diet, you must be aware of the side-effects of this diet during pregnancy. Following this diet can cause side-effects like fatigue, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, bloating, stomach pain, gassiness, constipation, headaches, high cholesterol, bad breath, and diarrhea. Hence, consulting a doctor is essential before you get started.

Keto diet can be helpful if you are trying to conceive
When you consume a diet that is rich in fats, moderate in protein, and low in carbohydrates, then you put your body into a natural metabolic state called ketosis. If you follow this diet properly then you can achieve a reduced level of insulin and an improved level of reproductive hormones like testosterone, luteinizing hormone (LH), and follicle-stimulating hormone(FSH). This diet has proven to be sperm-friendly, and is believed to benefit women suffering from PCOD. It also helps during ovulation. However, be extra careful about the dos and don’ts of the Keto diet if you have fertility issues and consult a doctor first.

Keto diet helps if you are pregnant and overweight
If you are overweight and pregnant as well, it is best for you to follow the Keto diet. After all, the key rule for a healthy pregnancy is to maintain a healthy weight. This diet ensures that you eat less sugary items, consume more healthy fats, and eat plenty of fresh fruits, which can help you have a smooth delivery. But before you decide to lose weight with this diet, it is a good idea to talk to your doctor and also check the dos and don’ts of the Keto diet.

Overall, it is safe for a pregnant woman to follow the Keto diet, but one must remember that every woman has a different body. The benefits of the Keto diet may vary from one pregnant woman to another. Moreover, following this diet does not mean you can allow for the deficiency of any essential nutrient. So, a pregnant woman on the Keto diet should have small and frequent meals of low carbohydrates and high fats, and only start the diet after consulting the doctor.