The Pros and Cons of Ordering Flower Delivery

The Pros and Cons of Ordering Flower Delivery

Buying flowers for someone you love is always a kind thing to do. However, there’s the question of whether you are going to buy them in person or online. If you shop flowers online it can be convenient, especially if you have a discount so try searching “order flowers promo code” to find one for a business near you. So if you want to gift a bouquet of flowers, here are the advantages and disadvantages of ordering them online:

1. Ordering online is convenient
Nothing is more convenient than online shopping. Typically, your payment information is already stored so you can pick something with the click of a button. In addition, you can order from the comfort of your home and don’t have to worry about getting caught in traffic on your way to the store. Plus, the flowers will ship directly to the recipient, and you don’t have to care for them and deliver them yourself.

2. You can’t see and smell the flowers before buying
Unfortunately, this convenience comes at a cost since you won’t be able to see and smell the flowers before buying them. This means there is no guarantee of quality, and it is less personal than going to the store and picking the flowers directly by yourself.

3. Better selection of blooms
With online orders there is typically a better selection then what they have in store. This is because ordering in advance gives them time to get the flowers they need to fill your order even if they didn’t have them in store to begin with. Plus, it saves you the hassle of looking at every flower as most websites have a search or category feature and even suggestions to make it  easier for you.

4. Potential damage during shipment
Another disadvantage of ordering flowers online, is that it’s possible for the flowers to become damaged when shipping. While most stores would consider a refund it would still ruin the surprise and make the gift less special. Whereas, if you deliver the flowers yourself you could ensure they stay safe until delivery and you could see the look on the recipient’s face when they receive them.

5. Same day delivery for last minute gifts
If you need a last minute gift, then ordering flowers online could be a good idea. A lot of flower shops have same day delivery for deliveries within their city. This could save you in a pinch, as the flowers would be delivered to the recipient within 24 hours of ordering.

6. Shipping costs can be high
However, with same day delivery or even standard deliveries, the cost of shipping could be higher than anticipated. Many flower shops are small businesses, and they need to charge more for delivery than you might want to pay. It’s important to consider shipping costs before ordering any flowers from a business online.