The 5 Worst Foods For Asthma

The 5 Worst Foods For Asthma

Asthma is a common chronic disease that affects people of all ages. Symptoms include recurrent attacks of breathlessness, chest tightness, and coughing. This condition can be debilitating and severely impact a patient’s quality of life. While it is typically treated with doctor-prescribed medications, avoiding aggravating factors such as cold air, strenuous exercise, pollen allergies, dust, and certain foods can significantly reduce asthma flare-ups. Here are some foods to avoid if you suffer from asthma:1.

1. Acidic foods and drinks
Acidic foods and drinks can cause the airways to narrow, leading to difficulty breathing and triggering symptoms in patients with asthma. Asthmatics should therefore avoid acidic foods and drinks as much as possible. Common examples include citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons, and grapefruits; pickles; vinegar; and tomatoes and tomato products.

2. Cold cuts
Cold cuts, deli meats, and other processed meats can trigger symptoms in people with asthma because they contain nitrates. These preservatives can irritate the airways and cause an asthma attack. Processed meats also contain high levels of trans fat, which can also make it difficult to breathe.

3. Carbonated beverages
Carbonated beverages are a common trigger for food-induced asthma attacks. They contain carbon dioxide (CO2) gas, which can cause the airways to constrict. Additionally, the CO2 is released into your stomach when you drink a carbonated beverage; it then enters the bloodstream and is carried to the lungs, which can trigger an asthma attack. As such, avoiding or limiting consumption of carbonated beverages can reduce asthma symptoms significantly.

4. Dairy products
Dairy products are one of the most common triggers of food-induced asthma. In fact, studies show that dairy can be responsible for triggering asthma symptoms in up to 50% of children with the condition. The culprit is a protein in milk called casein, which triggers an immune response in some people. When this happens, the body releases inflammatory substances that can cause the airways to constrict, leading to asthma symptoms. For many people with asthma, avoiding dairy is the best way to prevent symptoms. Asthma patients can instead opt for plant-based milk products—such as almond, soy, and oat milk alternatives.

5. Salty foods
Salt-rich foods are another common trigger for asthma attacks. Sodium can cause the airways to constrict, making breathing difficult and even leading to an asthma attack. When high levels of salt are consumed, it may irritate the airways and cause them to narrow. Salt can also cause fluid retention, which can further exacerbate asthma symptoms. Patients with asthma should avoid salty foods as much as possible. If you eat something salty, drink plenty of water afterward to help flush the sodium out of your system.

Several trigger foods can cause worsening asthma symptoms or even prompt an asthma attack. By avoiding these trigger foods, you can help keep your asthma under control. If you have asthma, talk to your doctor about dietary needs, prescription asthma medication, oxygen therapies and household aids (e.g., a quiet pure air filter for asthma) to help manage your asthma further.