Teeth Whitening Solutions and Products for Smokers
Smoking involves the entire breathing passage as well as the mouth. Over time a smoker’s teeth show the ill effects of nicotine staining. This is also likely to happen if tobacco is chewed. Most smokers regularly clean or whiten their teeth to maintain their appearance. There are many methods by which this can be achieved. Some home remedies work for nicotine stains while extreme discoloration of teeth might need professional treatment. It is seen that a professional whitening treatment with main teeth whitening products keeps teeth bright for about three years, whereas for a smoker it lasts only a year or less.
- Whitening by a dentist
It is always best to consult a dentist before attempting to whiten teeth at home. There is always the possibility that a tooth discoloration may be due to some underlying dental problem and not just because of stains. When the nerve part of a tooth has died the tooth could become a serious health problem if left untreated. Also, if you have existing dental work such as veneers, crowns, and bridges, they will not react the same way to a home bleach treatment and end up giving you a less than pleasing result. There are many different treatments that dentists use to whiten teeth. - Cleaning
Regular cleaning by a dentist is the best way to maintain good oral hygiene. Since cleaning removes plaque and tartar, thorough dental cleaning before a whitening treatment will give more uniform and better results. - Peroxide
A peroxide treatment by a dentist is much stronger than but also a lot safer than using the same at home. The peroxide treatment solution is painted onto the teeth which are then exposed to bright light or heat to accelerate the bleaching process before cleaning the solution off. This helps restore a white and shiny smile in a very short time. - Bleaching Tray
A dentist can create a customized bleaching tray that is specially shaped to your teeth. This is especially helpful for teeth that are badly stained and need sustained overnight exposure to bleaching agents rather than a quick dentist office treatment.
Main teeth whitening products
The following are the main teeth whitening products that you can do yourself at home.
- Tooth bleaching strips
Over-the-counter tooth bleaching strips do whiten the teeth but need to be used exactly as per instructions. Overuse or improper use can end up damaging the enamel and irritating the gums. - Brush and use mouthwash
This seems like a rather strange use of main teeth whitening products but some people swear by brushing their teeth using mouthwash as toothpaste. You do have to keep your mouth closed to keep the mouthwash contained. - Brush after you smoke
It might sound like a solution that is a little challenging. You could brush after every cigarette to prevent staining your teeth. This solution might work well. - Hydrogen Peroxide
A diluted solution of hydrogen peroxide is used by some as a home remedy to prevent staining and yellowing of teeth due to smoking. One must be careful that overuse or using without dilution might affect the teeth and gums with irritation.