Smells That Cause Migraines
Those who suffer from migraines can have a wide range of symptoms including pulsating headaches, throbbing headaches, light sensitivity, and nausea. These symptoms can range from minor to severe and everyone’s migraine experience is different. Often, migraines are brought on by certain triggers. One of the most common types of migraine triggers are smells. Below we are going to learn more about smells and how they can negatively affect a migraine sufferer:
1. Cigarette smoke
Cigarette smoke is one of the most common odors that trigger migraines. In fact, one study revealed that 72% of migraine sufferers were triggered by tobacco smoke. If you suffer from frequent migraines, you should avoid this trigger whenever possible. However, you may live with someone who smokes or work in an environment where it can’t be avoided. If this is the case, you should consider using migraine medication to lessen your symptoms.
2. Food odors
Food odors are hard to avoid and they can be a nightmare for those who have frequent migraines. Some of the foods that can bring on a migraine including baked goods that contain yeast, nuts and nut butters, soy products, chocolate, diary products, tomatoes, olives, and more. Those that can’t avoid these triggers should seek medicine for severe migraine headaches.
3. Perfumes
Many perfumes can quickly bring on a severe migraine attack. Just being out in public can be difficult for those who have frequent headaches. One study found that 76% of those sensitive to odors have a migraine episode after inhaling perfume. If you are sensitive to odors, you should avoid wearing perfume of any kind. You also should inform those who live with you about your trigger and ask them to forgo putting on perfume when they are around you.
4. Cleaning chemicals
Another common migraine trigger is cleaning chemicals. These products often give off strong odors and unfortunately, they are used just about everywhere you go. From your favorite restaurant to the department store, cleaning chemical odors can be found. If you find yourself suffering from a migraine attack after being exposed to cleaning product odors, you should take migraine medication as soon as possible.
5. Candles or air fresheners
Last, but certainly not least, we have candles or air fresheners. While these products smell great to some, they can make some extremely sick! These products can have a wide range of smells and some can quickly trigger an attack. Advil treatment for migraine headaches in adults may help you find relief after being exposed to this type of odor trigger.
As you can see, there are many different odors that can trigger migraines. While you can do your best to avoid them, often you cannot. When this happens, you should seek relief for migraine headaches quickly to avoid more serious complications such as nausea.