How to Manage Diabetes During Pregnancy
Diabetes during pregnancy is called gestational diabetes. Diabetes is caused when the sugar levels in the body are higher than normal. The exact cause of gestational diabetes is unknown. However, the placenta produces hormones to prevent insulin from entering the cells. This results in rising of glucose levels in the blood and the condition is called hyperglycemia.
Complications of gestational diabetes
When sugar levels are not controlled during pregnancy it may develop complications such as :
- High blood pressure
- Increases the risk of premature births
- The child may suffer from excess birth weight called macrosomia
- Low blood sugar in babies
- Breathing difficulties in babies.
Diet to manage gestational diabetes
There are two main parts of the diet. The first part includes eating small frequent meals and snacks every 2 to 3 hours throughout the day. This helps in regulating blood sugar levels. The second part of the diet is to avoid food items that are high in carbohydrates. Dietary and lifestyle changes to manage diabetes is very important. Here are a few diet tips to handle gestational diabetes:
- Eat 3 small to medium-sized meals and 3 healthy snacks a day to regulate blood sugar levels.
- Eat breakfasts within one hour of waking up followed by a mid-morning snack, lunch, evening snack dinner and snack before bed, all with 2 to 3 hours of break.
- Avoid late-night dinners. Have your last snack one hour before your bedtime. This snack will get you through the night without waking you up in the middle of the night feeling hungry.
- Eat a moderate amount of food that is high in carbohydrates in any one meal or snack.
- Eat a balanced diet that includes equal or moderate quantities of nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, among others.
- Avoid food with added sugar such as sweets and desserts. These should be eaten in a very minimal quantity.
Lifestyle changes to manage gestational diabetes
- A healthy delivery is possible by exercising and staying active during pregnancy. Exercising regularly increases metabolism which helps the cells to absorb more glucose from the blood to produce energy. This regulates blood sugar levels in the body. The sensitivity to insulin is also increased by the cells. This allows the body to transport sugar with less insulin.
- Regular workouts or exercising helps in relieving other side effects of pregnancy, such as constipation, swelling, sleeping problems, back pain, muscle cramps, etc. Exercise also helps in losing pregnancy weight that gets you back in shape after delivery.
- Before setting an exercise schedule during pregnancy or after delivery, consult your doctor. The doctor will advise you on the exercise methods. Do not start with high energy exercises if you have been inactive for a while. Start with slow and low-intensity exercises in the beginning and slowly increase the pace. The best exercises during pregnancy are cycling, swimming and walking. Household chores like gardening play a dual role in exercising and full-filling hobbies.
- Check on your blood sugar levels. This is another important tip under dietary and lifestyle changes to manage diabetes during pregnancy. Ensure your blood sugar levels are monitored frequently to avoid complications during pregnancy and after childbirth.