Leukemia Types and Symptoms
Leukemia is a kind of cancer that affects white blood cells. However, in some cases, it does affect other cells responsible for forming blood. Leukemia begins in the bone marrow which is the soft tissue inside the bones. In leukemia, the bone marrow cells often called the blast cells don’t reach the required maturity and start multiplying. If left unchecked leukemia can be life-threatening since it can spread quickly to new parts of the body like the lymph nodes, spleen, liver, spinal cord, and even testicles. There are different types of leukemia. Let’s look at the different types of leukemia and its various symptoms.
Acute Myeloid Leukemia
AML is the most widely recognized leukemia in grown-ups and it spreads rapidly and can affect any part of the blood cells. The myeloid cells which become the red platelets, white platelets in AML develop into anomalous myeloblasts or white platelets and in some uncommon cases even into unusual red blood cells or even platelets. At the point when these unusual cells increase they overpower the typical platelets and spread forcefully to different pieces of the body.
What are the symptoms of AML?
Symptoms of AML vary depending on the type of AML. However, during the initial stages, the symptoms involved are as follows:
- Fatigue
- Loss of appetite
- Loss of weight
- Fever
- Sweating at night
- Skin appearing pale
- Irregular heartbeat
- Feeling drowsy
- Cold hands and feet
- Breathlessness
Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia
Also called Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, ALL spreads rapidly and can get lethal in a couple of months. Bone marrow is the underlying site of ALL which is a delicate tissue inside specific bones and new blood cells are made in the bone marrow. ALL occasionally even spread to different parts of the body including lymph hub, spleen, liver, balls, sensory system. It is hard to affirm if the patient is experiencing leukemia since other cancers can develop and spread into the bone marrow. On the other hand, if more than 20% of the cells in the bone are carcinogenic then the disease is considered as leukemia.
What are the symptoms of ALL?
- Bleeding of the gums
- Fever
- Pain in bone
- Severe seeping from the nose
- Pale skin
- Breathlessness
- Weakness and weakness
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
CLL adds to 33% of the considerable number of sorts of leukemia analyzed and is regular in grown-ups and it has an extremely moderate spreading. The vast majority of the occasions CLL stays covered up since it doesn’t have any side effects during the initial stages and the side effects develop following a year or so when the malignant growth would have spread to different parts. The site of Chronic lymphocytic leukemia is the B lymphocytes where the irregular cells increase and outnumber the normal cells. CLL, when analyzed at the prior stages, can be controlled and treated effectively.
What are the symptoms of CLL?
- Fatigue
- Fever with chills
- Weight loss
- Feeling frail
- Sweating during the night
- Swollen lymph nodes
- Stomach ache due to enlarged spleen
- Anemia since the RBCs drop down during this condition