Decoding Stock Investing

Decoding Stock Investing

Understanding the market for the purposes of investing in stocks requires access to information. This information, although available in public forums, generally strays away from the naked eye. People who have just recently taken up investing in stocks might find it difficult to keep up with those who have been in the business over a long period of time. What gives these long time investors the edge is their access to said information and what they do with it. Listed below are important tips to analyze how investing in stocks need to be done and what kind of information a first-time stock investor would need.

Volatile nature of stocks
Stocks keep fluctuating in value throughout. What needs to be kept in mind is that these fluctuations must not be prematurely judged to be profitable or unprofitable based on these fluctuations. In order to understand if this is usual behavior for stocks, new investors must look into the 12-month rolling standard deviation of the stocks over the past decade. Simply put, if the average standard deviation of the stock in question is 20%, it is normal for the stock to increase or decrease by 20% in value and is no cause for alarm.

Identifying potential in companies beyond market expectations
Firstly, the past financial performance of a company is not the sole criterion that one must determine to decide whether he or she wants to invest stock in that company. It is even more important to determine how much business the company is expected to do in the current financial year and the future. There exist a few small companies with great business ideas. It can be riskier to invest in them over a company with a general history of the above-average business. However, the small companies will yield a higher profit if their idea kicks off, resulting in them performing beyond market expectations. Finding such companies take a certain amount of research, speculation and educated guesses that can be worked on after gaining solid financial footing.

Investing in companies with good management
Past performance of a company in no way guarantees a good profit for years to come in the future. However, it can be a solid indicator that the company knows what it is exactly doing, that it has plans for expansion in the future and that it has sufficient resources to bounce back if it must, in cases of contingencies. You can also check important tips for stock investors when required.

Learning the terminology
Once investing in stocks has become a regular thing. It bodes well to understand the terminology that comes with the concept of the stock market. It is imperative to understand different terms, where the distinction lies and what it means. This helps in breaking down and decoding news reports, understanding fellow investors and making good investments in general. Good sources for self-learning include books like The Elements of Investing by Charles Ellis and Burton Malkiel or The Investor’s Manifesto by William Bernstein, as well as websites like Morningstar, Investopedia, Kiplinger, and The Wall Street Journal.