10 Foods to Help Ease Depressive Symptoms

10 Foods to Help Ease Depressive Symptoms

Clinical depression is an acute form of depression that requires intervention from depression treatment facilities and multiple online therapy sessions. Early warning symptoms include sleep changes, irritability, sadness, and hopelessness. Prevention is better than cure; thus, eating healthy food will significantly lower the risk of clinical depression.  A healthy diet includes eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, food rich in omega-3s, and reducing intake of processed foods. Here are ten foods that help reduce depressive symptoms: 1. Oysters Oysters are rich in vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids, which help to reduce brain shrinkage and prevent depression. Indeed, the polyunsaturated fatty acids found in oysters are essential to reducing anxiety and suicidal thoughts. Additionally, oysters have other micronutrients, like zinc, which help control mood disorders. 2 .Eggs with the yolk Egg yolk is rich in vitamin D, which helps brain function, reduces depression, and is associated with an elevated mood. Eggs also contain an amino acid called tryptophan, which is essential in creating serotonin, which helps the brain function and reduces anxiety, and helps in regulating sleep, mood, behavior, and memory.  3. Flaxseed Flaxseeds are rich in the omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA, which lift the mood and fight depression.
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5 Eczema Triggering Soaps

5 Eczema Triggering Soaps

Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is an inflammatory skin condition that typically manifests in scaly, red, and irritated skin. Irritants such as preservatives in soaps, scented beauty products, and allergens can trigger the immune system, causing eczema flare-ups. Hydrocortisone cream is the most common treatment, but it is often better to avoid irritants and flare-ups in the first place. But you may wonder, can Otezla (Apremilast) be used for atopic dermatitis? The answer is yes, prescribed Otezla, Dupixent (Dupilumab), and Cibinqo (Abrocitinib) are often recommended by doctors for reducing eczema symptoms. For example, In addition, many irritants found in soaps and other personal care products may also trigger eczema flare ups, so it is important for you to stay vigilant and always read the label when buying soap. Here are five soaps to avoid to help prevent eczema flare ups: 1. Strong fragrance soaps The FDA hasn’t made it mandatory for companies to reveal the ingredients present in fragrance soaps, making it easier for companies to get away with using an undisclosed mixture of chemicals. Often, these fragrances consist of synthetic materials and carcinogens such as phthalates. These are typical allergens, and any person with sensitive skin may react to them. Particularly avoid these fragrances if you suffer from atopic dermatitis.  2.
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6 Things to Donate to Help People With Cancer

6 Things to Donate to Help People With Cancer

Over 1.6 million Americans are diagnosed with cancer every year and the treatment of cancer by 2020 has raised to around $174 billion. Make a difference for people living with cancer by donating some items. Whether it is financial donations to facilitate research of cancer treatment or other non-monetary valuable goods to aid in the treatment of cancer patients. Below are six things you can donate to help people with cancer: 1. Donate time or money to a cancer research organization Find volunteer opportunities in cancer organizations. You can do this by contacting local hospitals, local cancer support groups, kids’ cancer donation centers, and even organizations that take donations online, such as St. Jude cancer donation via St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. 2.Donate hair Some cancer treatments cause patients to experience hair loss, requiring a wig or hair piece. Multiple organizations today take donations of hair and turn them into affordable or free wigs for cancer patients who’ve lost hair during cancer treatments. Many patients feel emotionally affected by hair loss, and these wigs provide hope, strength, and self-confidence. 3. Donate a car for cancer treatment Cancer organizations accept both working and nonworking trucks, trailers, cars, RVs, boats, motorcycles, and trailers as donations.
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5 Signs of Lactose Intolerance

5 Signs of Lactose Intolerance

It is estimated that about 65 percent of the world’s population has some level of lactose intolerance. Lactose is a form of sugar naturally found in milk; human beings have an enzyme, known as lactase, that is responsible for breaking down lactose for the purposes of digestion. However, those lacking the lactase enzyme may have difficulty digesting dairy products, resulting in lactose intolerance. Here are the common signs of lactose intolerance: 1. Diarrhea or loose stools Lactose intolerance causes an increased volume of water in the colon, which, in turn, raises the fluid levels in the stool. This, combined with the microflora fermentation that generally occurs in the gut due to lactose intolerance, can often lead to diarrhea. Diarrhea due to lactose intolerance commonly happens in babies and younger children, and is less common in adults. 2. Stomach pain and cramps Stomach pain and cramps are common symptoms of lactose intolerance in both adults and children. When your body is unable to break down lactose, the sugar is passed through the gut and into the colon. However, because lactose is a carbohydrate, it cannot be absorbed by the cells lining the colon. Instead, the lactose is fermented by the bacteria naturally found in the colon.
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Top Foods to Help Dementia Patients

Top Foods to Help Dementia Patients

There are many ingredients in the food you eat that can help prevent dementia, but there are a few so-called superfoods that are said to fight the effects of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, and even reverse the progress of cognitive decline. Dementia is a progressive condition that can cause irreparable damage to the brain. However, with proper nutrition, ongoing doctor care, great alert systems like seniors fall detect life alert systems, independent living accommodation for the elderly, and a positive state of mind, you can beat the odds and maintain your mental health. Here are the top five foods to help prevent dementia and cognitive decline: 1. Collard greens One of the best brain foods for memory loss is collard greens. They are rich in folic acid and have improved cognitive function. A deficiency in folic acid can lead to dementia, but collards contain many nutrients that will enhance cognitive performance even without a deficiency. In addition to folic acid, the greens are high in vitamin K and a potent antioxidant called kaempferol. 2. Coffee Your morning brew can help fight Alzheimer’s disease by causing a decrease in the level of amyloid-beta, which is one of the main drivers behind the development of dementia.
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5 Foods to Avoid With Lung Disease

5 Foods to Avoid With Lung Disease

Lung diseases are medical conditions that affect the lungs, and mainly the respiratory system. There are many different types of lung diseases, including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), cystic fibrosis, pulmonary fibrosis, pneumonia, and nontuberculous mycobacterial lung disease. Unlike other types of lung disease, NM lung disease cannot be diagnosed by a lung function test and must be diagnosed via biopsy using the NTM lung disease test. Doctors often prescribe an ABRYSVO vaccine to prevent lower respiratory tract disease caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in people 60 years of age and older, or the Ribavirin drug for treatment of active RSV infection. Believe it or not, the foods we eat can significantly affect our lung function, which is why doctors often recommend patients with lung disease avoid the following foods: 1. Processed meats Processed meat is meat that has been treated with chemicals and preservatives to extend its shelf life, such as sodium nitrate, which can be harmful when consumed in large amounts. Processed meat has been linked to an increased risk of lung disease and colorectal cancer. The danger of processed meats comes from their high salt content and the carcinogens created when smoked or roasted.
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The 5 Worst Foods For Asthma

The 5 Worst Foods For Asthma

Asthma is a common chronic disease that affects people of all ages. Symptoms include recurrent attacks of breathlessness, chest tightness, and coughing. This condition can be debilitating and severely impact a patient’s quality of life. While it is typically treated with doctor-prescribed medications, avoiding aggravating factors such as cold air, strenuous exercise, pollen allergies, dust, and certain foods can significantly reduce asthma flare-ups. Here are some foods to avoid if you suffer from asthma:1. 1. Acidic foods and drinks Acidic foods and drinks can cause the airways to narrow, leading to difficulty breathing and triggering symptoms in patients with asthma. Asthmatics should therefore avoid acidic foods and drinks as much as possible. Common examples include citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons, and grapefruits; pickles; vinegar; and tomatoes and tomato products. 2. Cold cuts Cold cuts, deli meats, and other processed meats can trigger symptoms in people with asthma because they contain nitrates. These preservatives can irritate the airways and cause an asthma attack. Processed meats also contain high levels of trans fat, which can also make it difficult to breathe. 3. Carbonated beverages Carbonated beverages are a common trigger for food-induced asthma attacks. They contain carbon dioxide (CO2) gas, which can cause the airways to constrict.
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5 Foods Kids Love That are Linked to Cancer

5 Foods Kids Love That are Linked to Cancer

Cancer is defined as a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body. Unfortunately, at least eight types of cancer are common in children. These include Leukemia, brain and spinal cord tumors, Neuroblastoma, Wilms tumor, Lymphoma, Rhabdomyosarcoma, Retinoblastoma and bone cancer. Studies show that 35% of children will die from a diagnosis of cancer. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is dedicated to curing childhood cancer, and funding research for ongoing Pediatric Oncology Clinical Trials, so be sure to look into St. Jude donations. Five foods that kids’ love that are linked to childhood cancer include: 1. Sugary juice boxes A study from a research group in France found that each additional 100 mL of a sugary drink consumed per day was correlative with an 18% increased risk of developing cancer. These sugary drinks, including fruit juices and fizzy pops, may increase the risk of a tumor developing by increasing the fat deposits in the body. 2. Processed or cured lunch meats Processed and cured meats have been linked to a 36% increase in cancer risk. Researchers are currently exploring the possibility of nitrates/nitrites being the cause. These elements are added to processed meats to preserve their color and keep them fresh for longer periods of time.
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The Best Time to Drink Water for Maximum Health Benefits

The Best Time to Drink Water for Maximum Health Benefits

Your body is mainly made up of water. Without adequate hydration, you wouldn’t be able to live. Drinking water is the single easiest way to hydrate your body because it provides over 80% of your intake for all essential nutrients, including glucose, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. Water has been shown to help prevent constipation and boost immune function. Water can also help you maintain a healthy weight by controlling your appetite and stabilizing blood sugar levels. Here are the best times to drink water for optimum health: 1. When you wake up Drinking water first thing in the morning, upon waking, and before breakfast kick starts your system. Water is more critical to your body than any other nutrient and is vitally important for the everyday function of your kidneys and cardiovascular system. If you wake up with a headache, that’s a sign you’re dehydrated. Hydrate your body, and you will usually rise more quickly, feel more energetic and have better concentration. If a big night out has left you with a hangover, drink plenty of water as soon as you wake so that your body can flush any alcohol toxins from your liver. 2. Before meals Water is also vital for digestion.
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5 Telltale Signs of Depression and Treatment Options

5 Telltale Signs of Depression and Treatment Options

The World Health Organization notes that over 264 million adults across the globe live with depression. In the United States, the National Survey of Health showed that 8.4% of adults above 18-years of age suffer from a major depressive condition. Clinical depression is a serious mental health condition that can be triggered due to change, loss, chronic injury or health issue, or life struggles. The feelings of depression can sometimes be overwhelming and hinder a person’s capacity to lead an active, healthy life. Below are the five signs of clinical depression: 1. Loss of energy Depression causes energy loss because it prevents your brain from receiving signals that boost your mood. Failure to have enough sensitivity creates a hitch in acquiring energy to do diverse tasks. Low energy often prevents patients from seeing friends and engaging in social activities. In fact, many patients with depression lose interest in hobbies and things they once loved to do. 2. Appetite changes Depression can affect your appetite by causing you to eat more or less than is your normal routine. A change in appetite is a symptom that can affect your physical well-being significantly. For example, eating a lot can make you overweight and impact overall health and self esteem, while failure to eat enough well might cause unhealthy weight loss and energy issues.
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