8 Tips to Ace Your Eye Makeup Game
We all want that perfect eyeliner that is sure to turn heads when we walk into a crowded room. But getting that perfect flick on both sides is not an easy task to achieve. Most women struggle to get it right and in an effort to do so, they spend endless hours watching makeup video tutorials online. These are not much good either because you can end up feeling rather confused about how exactly to get it right.
Professional eyeliner hacks for everyday use are readily available online for those who are interested to know the easy and hassle-free ways to do makeup. These hacks are not challenging at all and extremely helpful for those who need to get ready in a jiffy.
Professional eyeliner hacks for everyday-follow these guidelines to get it right:
- When doing eye makeup one of the first professional eyeliner hacks for everyday is keeping your head up and your eyes down. When you put up your chin slightly you can get a better view of the lid area as you look into a mirror. So, tracing a line along the upper eyelid becomes much easier.
- Instead of using a pencil eyeliner, you should consider using a liquid one. While it is harder to use this, it will give you precision. Besides, it is not likely to get smudged as easily. So, to get that perfect cat-eye look you should trace it first using a soft pencil and then glide a liquid liner on top of it. This guarantees the perfect shape and is least risky, and cleaning it up is also less problematic.
- You can trace the upper eyelids using little dots. Then you should try to connect these to create a single clean line. This trick is most helpful when you must get ready in a hurry. It will help you create a smooth and clean look.
- You should try lining and curling simultaneously. This is the perfect hack for those of you who are running against time. You can simply glide your eyeliner over a lash curler for doing this. Not only will your lashes get curled but also the liner on your curler gets transferred on your upper eyelids. That saves a lot of time and effort.
- You may use stamps readily available in markets, ink them and simply stamp these on the eyelids in order to get a perfect cat-eye makeup within seconds.
- Mascara can be your best friend when you are either lazy or too late for a party. You can simply line your upper eyelids with mascara in a single step. It will make your lashes look bigger and longer, and create an eyeliner look at the same time.
- Using the Q-tip is one of the best-kept secrets of great eye makeup. Regardless of makeup blunders like overlining, smudging, or outlining, the Q-tip can take care of them all. You can use a makeup remover and Q-tip to clean away all the mess.
- You may also keep a concealer handy to correct any mistakes when you are in a rush. The concealer will take care of any pesky smudges. You do not have to redo your eye makeup; a concealer is the best for all the tiny mistakes.