6 Things to Donate to Help People With Cancer
Over 1.6 million Americans are diagnosed with cancer every year and the treatment of cancer by 2020 has raised to around $174 billion. Make a difference for people living with cancer by donating some items. Whether it is financial donations to facilitate research of cancer treatment or other non-monetary valuable goods to aid in the treatment of cancer patients. Below are six things you can donate to help people with cancer:
1. Donate time or money to a cancer research organization
Find volunteer opportunities in cancer organizations. You can do this by contacting local hospitals, local cancer support groups, kids’ cancer donation centers, and even organizations that take donations online, such as St. Jude cancer donation via St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
2.Donate hair
Some cancer treatments cause patients to experience hair loss, requiring a wig or hair piece. Multiple organizations today take donations of hair and turn them into affordable or free wigs for cancer patients who’ve lost hair during cancer treatments. Many patients feel emotionally affected by hair loss, and these wigs provide hope, strength, and self-confidence.
3. Donate a car for cancer treatment
Cancer organizations accept both working and nonworking trucks, trailers, cars, RVs, boats, motorcycles, and trailers as donations. A donated car can help assist volunteer organizations who transport cancer patients to treatment appointments. Other cancer organizations will sell the vehicle or use it to raise funds for cancer research.
4. Donate blood or platelets
Patients with cancer need extra blood, both during and after treatment. You can choose to make blood donations of either platelet or whole blood donations. Only a single pint of blood is needed. The process only takes approximately 10 minutes and can be drawn every 56 days. Donating platelets requires a portion of blood drawn as well. Platelets will help assist in blood clotting. You can donate platelets as often as once a week. The machine for removing blood will be connected to your arms so that it can draw blood and separate the platelets. The remaining blood will then be placed back into your body.
5. Donate bone marrow
Donating bone marrow is also known as a stem cell transplant. This transplant helps improve the survival rates of individuals living with cancer. The spongy component found in bones is called bone marrow, this contains stem cells that form blood in one’s body. Some cancers will keep the stem cells from growing normally. The transplant of bone marrow will replace the deteriorated bone marrow with the donor’s healthy stem cells. You can easily donate healthy stem cells through a blood draw.
6. Donate umbilical cord blood
The vital cells that form blood needed in bone marrow transplants can be found in umbilical cord blood. You can decide to donate the blood in the umbilical cord after delivery and before it is discarded. Donating umbilical cord blood is simple, painless, and takes only 5 minutes. It is also a safe process for both the child and the mother.