5 Things That Can Fix Infertility

5 Things That Can Fix Infertility

Experiencing infertility can be one of the most heartbreaking and frustrating things. Luckily, today, there are many options available to treat infertility that will likely work towards a pregnancy. One of the most popular is the in vitro fertilization (IVF) process where they follow a process for an egg locator to eventually retrieve a woman’s egg and then fertilize it with sperm external to the body. IVF treatments can become exhausting, but many families say it is worth it once they have their child. Alongside IVF, there are other options to help fertility such as male fertility vitamins and Clomid, a medication that triggers ovulation. Keep reading to learn 5 things that can fix infertility: 1. Lifestyle changes Chances of pregnancy can be increased by a change in lifestyle. For example, exercising more, eating a clean diet, eliminating harmful substances (drugs and alcohol), and increasing frequency of intercourse. These steps will get your body in the healthiest position to conceive a child and both the mother and father should be partaking in these lifestyle changes. 2. Surgery In some cases, surgery may be required to increase the chances of a pregnancy. For men, this could be to fix a sperm blockage that will restore fertility. For women, this could be to remove polyps from the uterus, surgical treatment for scar tissue or fibroids, or surgery to help with endometriosis or pelvic adhesions. Be sure to talk to your doctor to find out if surgery is something you need to increase chances of fertility. 3. Fertility drugs There are fertility medications for both men and women that can increase chances of pregnancy. For men, certain medications can increase sperm count as well as sperm production and quality. For women, sometimes ovulation disorders are the issue—fertility medications like Clomid can help to regulate and induce ovulation. Be sure to talk to your doctor about what medications would be best for you. 4. Go private If you are experiencing significant fertility issues, considering private treatment may be a good option; however, private treatment can be very expensive and there is no guarantee that it will be effective. Research private clinics carefully and be sure to know what treatments are offered, success rates, how long the waiting list is, and the price. 5. Assisted reproductive technology (ART) There are a few options for ART if the above mentioned items do not work for you. This includes IVF, assisted hatching, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), donor eggs or sperm, and gestational carriers. Talk to your doctor about deciding which ART would be best for you and your family.