4 Questions to Ask Before Buying an Extended Vehicle Warranty:

4 Questions to Ask Before Buying an Extended Vehicle Warranty:

Whether or not to purchase an auto extended warranty is a topic that’s up for debate. If you make the choice to invest in an extended warranty, it’s important to ensure that you’ve covered all your bases. While some questions might sound too obvious, it’s better safe than sorry: especially since you’re looking to ensure the safety and quality of your vehicle.

Ultimately, if you decide to invest in an extended warranty for your new vehicle, it’s important to select one from a trustworthy company. Endurance Auto Warranty Company, for starters, is a great choice if you’re looking to dodge the high costs of labor and parts that are required to repair your vehicle. Another good option is American Dream Auto Protect, which offers 24/7 coverage and roadside assistance. CarShield, too, is popular and trustworthy, extending its coverage to vehicle parts such as the engine, water pump, transmission, air conditioner, and more. No matter which auto warranty company you choose to go with, however, it’s important to ask these 4 important questions before purchasing your desired warranty:

1. What does the warranty cover?
While this seems like a pretty basic question, many key questions may slip your mind when you’re put on the spot or undergoing the stress of purchasing a new vehicle. Thus, it’s important to remember to ask what the warranty covers, both on a major and minor scale. Ensure that you clarify and fully understand the extent of the warranty, including which systems and components are covered.

2. What is the duration of coverage?
The coverage period is an essential part of an extended vehicle warranty, so it never hurts to clarify it once or twice during the purchasing process. Plus, fully understanding the amount of time or mileage that the warranty covers prompts you to ask yourself about your plans for the vehicle—for example, how long you plan on keeping it—and whether or not the set duration works with what you have in mind.

3. Where can repairs be done?
While this isn’t a question that many would think to ask, it’s actually a very important one. Unfortunately, some warranties place restrictions on where it’s possible to get repairs done, which can easily create frustration in the future. So, to avoid this frustration, ask about repairs—your future self will thank you.

4. Does this warranty cover routine maintenance?
Although this question is similar to the first one on this list, it’s not a bad idea to confirm separately whether or not routine maintenance is covered. Brake pad replacements, oil changes, tire pressure checks, and so forth, are all regularly required to ensure the longevity of your vehicle as well as your own safety. Thus, we recommend explicitly asking about the coverage of routine maintenance just to be sure.