10 Yardwork Hacks That Will Save Valuable Time

10 Yardwork Hacks That Will Save Valuable Time

Everyone who has a garden or takes pride in caring for their lawn is always looking for tips and tricks to make their life easier; whether it saves time or money, finding a new yardwork hack is like striking gold. Luckily, there are quite a few tried and true yardwork hacks you can use to spruce up your yard. Below you’ll find quite a few yardwork hacks that can save you time and money:

1. Plant more trees
This common hack will refresh your lawn’s appearance with an abundance of natural foliage that becomes even more beautiful as fall comes around. You can also use fallen leaves as natural fertilizer, meaning you won’t have to spend as much time mulching and fertilizing.

2. Consider hiring a professional lawn service
Professional landscapers and lawn care services can do what you can’t to provide a better living situation for your grass and garden. They can utilize more niche methods, like leaf glove gutter protection and mesh coverings, and they know exactly what nutrients your plants need to thrive. Companies like Green Yard Lawn Care have the know-how and expertise to handle any lawn. If you’re interested in finding a lawn care company to tackle weeds, search Google for “lawn spraying companies near me”. Or if you’re a senior who requires regular lawn maintenance, search “yard service in my area”. If your main concern is fleas, groundhogs, and other rodents significantly damaging your yard’s plants and landscaping, look for “pest control services nearby”.

3. Install a rain barrel
Rainwater is a sustainable source of water that is also healthier for plants than water that goes through a city system. Plus, after the cost of buying and installing the barrel, the water you collect is completely free, meaning you will also save on your water bills in addition to creating a sustainable and lush yard.

4. Utilize ground cover
Ground cover is important to keeping your soil hydrated and healthy. You can use a natural ground cover like leaves, wood chips, or grass clippings or you can buy a tarp to keep down weeds and maintain moisture in the soil.

5. Aerate your lawn
Aerating your lawn is a great way to improve the health and quality of your soil. Areas that have frequent foot traffic are usually in particular need of aeration. You can achieve this several ways, either with common household objects or special tools, such as lawn aerator shoes.

6. Fertilize and mulch frequently
Certain parts of your lawn will require more care than others. Maintaining these areas with fertilizer and mulch is one of the easiest ways to see them successfully flourish. Fertilizer provides your plants with all the nutrients it needs, and mulch locks in nutrients and water.

7. Mow high and regularly
A lot of people have the mindset that lower mown grass is better. However, leaving your grass high leaves more of the grass available to access the sun and allows the roots to dig deeper, creating a greener, more vibrant lawn.

8. Leave your grass clippings
Grass clippings, when not overused, can break down into healthy soil and make for a great lawn fertilizer. However, too many grass clippings can actually kill off grass. You can also use excess grass clippings in the garden as a natural mulch, but it is generally best to leave most clippings on the grass.

9. Use baking soda to fix soil
An overly acidic soil can be corrected with baking soda. Simply mix a tablespoon or two of baking soda with a gallon of water. Sprinkle this mixture in your soil to bring the pH level up wherever necessary.

10. Water early
Watering early is a great way to give your grass and other plant life the necessary time to soak up the water they need to thrive. It also means excess water can be evaporated by the sun throughout the day, preventing problems like root rot and damping off.